§ 1. What is ILLVID?

ILLVID is a mobile friendly, fast, stable video hosting with html5 player.. We offer the possibility to share video completely free.

§ 2. What should I do to start earning money?

You need just register (all is free!), upload files and share your links on sites/blogs/forums and others.

§ 2. How can I upload files?

By browsing files from your hard drive; by providing a link and using Remote Upload option; by FTP client application; by Torrent upload; by using Z-o-o-m upload

§ 3. Which kind of files can be uploaded?

The file manager encodes video files in a browser-streamable format .mp4. We support the following file formats: avi; mkv; mpg; mpeg; vob; wmv; flv; mp4; mov; m4v; m2v; divx; xvid; 3gp; webm; ogv; ogg.

§ 4. What benefits does VIP account give me?

VIP account allows you to get the following benefits::

  1. Access to individual rates and personal offers.
  2. Keeping of files without views from 100 days to unlimited time.
  3. Unlimited storage space.
  4. Your files are encoded in two qualities: "Low" and 720p. We plan in the near future to provide for VIP accounts the third, additional quality - Full HD 1080p.
  5. Priority and personal support (we help and answer all our partners without exception, but we try to answer VIP partners first of all).
  6. Access to new features and hidden functionality - all the most interesting, new and long-awaited VIP partners receive in the first place.
  7. Consultations and advices, help in the analytics of the traffic.

§ 5. What is the requirement to get VIP?

VIP accounts are free and not sold. In order to get VIP account you need to do something from this list:

  1. to attract the necessary number of partners via your referral link;
  2. place ILLVID players on major popular sites;
  3. to be the owner of site, blog or forum with high traffic;
  4. to be a major uploader;
  5. or just ask your manager (we can almost always find solution that will suit ILLVID team and you).